IWCZ Christmas Bazaar
It’s that time of year again when the expat ladies of Zagreb hold their annual Christmas bazaar! With loads of great food and plenty of prizes, it’s sure to be another super successful and fun event.
Forty-two countries are represented at the event. Some highlights include handcrafts from Azerbaijan, Bosnian sweet treats, Swedish glog and even Irish dancing.
Be prepared for great international food, goodies, entertainment and chances to win great prizes! Professor dr. Tatjana Josipovic, Croatia’s First Lady, has kindly agreed to be the patron of the event and will officially open the IWCZ’s 21st Christmas Bazaar at 11 am on Sunday, Dec 7th at the Zagreb Velesajam, Pavilion 7.
The fantastic raffle prizes range from flight tickets, to hotel weekend stays, hockey tickets or jewelry – there are lots of chances to win great raffle prizes with buying tickets (10 Kn each). And there are tombola prizes as well!
The IWCZ offers several Zagreb based charities the opportunity to actively join in the fun of the Christmas Bazaar and to raise funds & awareness for the causes they support. Many of them will be selling edible and decorative holiday treats, Christmas cards, handicrafts or jewelry.
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